Circus Aufführung


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The romance of the travellers combined with the fragrance of candy floss and coffee. This performance enchants the audience with its delightful simplicity.

Right now, everyone still thinks that the candy floss sales lady and her somewhat unrefined husband would be just dragging their rusty relationship from one annual fair to another. But then a surprisingly touching acrobatic poetry emerges. Classical circus artistry, quite simple, yet unbelievably inspiring, alternates with hushed moments and short breaks in which the audience rediscovers itself – and, at the same time, is able to grab a delicious coffee!

This new production with two artists combines a real coffee and candy floss stall, made out of an original Nagetusch vintage caravan, with artistic juggling, partner acrobatics and acrobatics in the air. The audience is taken on a poetical journey - one which questions our conventional daily routine.

Director: Philipp Harpain

Duration: 35-40 min
Space requirements: mind. 8 x 10 m